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Elections for the President of the Republic of Croatia

The President of the Republic of Croatia shall be elected on the bases of general and equal voting right on direct elections by secret ballot for the period of 5 years.

Elections are announced by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Voters and polling stations

Croatiancitizens older the eighteen have the right to vote on these elections at polling stations in the territory of the Republic of Croatia . For the election of the President of Republic of Croatia, the right to vote will be secured also for those Croatian citizens that find themselves outside state borders, and also for those Croatian citizens that do not have their residence in the Republic of Croatia. These voters can exercise their right to vote in diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Croatia abroad.
Voters having permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia on the date of the election, voters who are in peace missions and operations on the date of the election, voters who are crew-members on sea and river vessels carrying the Croatian flag outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia, on watercrafts in inland sea waters and in the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia, voters housed in social care facilities and voters deprived of their freedom, vote at special polling stations determined in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Election of the President of the Republic of Croatia and obligatory instructions.


Croatian citizens over the age of eighteen have the right to elect and be elected, that is, to run for the President of the Republic of Croatia. Candidates may be proposed by political parties registered in the Republic of Croatia (by one political party or two and more political parties) and by voters. Regardless of who proposes the candidate for the President, candidates must collect at least 10,000 duly collected signatures of voters that support his/her candidacy. Every voter can support, with his/her signature, only one candidate. Proposals for candidates must be received by the State Electoral Commission not later than within 12 days from the date of the call for elections.

Electoral bodies

Bodies carrying out these elections are: the State Electoral Commission of the Republic of Croatian, municipal electoral commissions, electoral commissions of cities, Election Commission of the City of Zagreb and electoral commissions.

Election campaign

The election campaign starts as of the day of the announcement of a list of candidates, and stops 24h before the Election Day. On the day before the election and on the Election Day, until the closing of the polling station at 7 p.m., it is not allowed to conduct the election campaign or to publish premature results or any evaluation of results of the election. All candidates, that have obtained at least 10% of votes of the total number of voters that have participated at the election, have the right to reimbursement of the election campaign costs.

Voting and results

The President of the Republic of Croatia is elected by the majority vote of all voters who voted. The candidate that has won over 50% of the total votes of all voters who voted is elected for the President of the Republic of Croatia. If none of candidates obtain such a majority, the elections shall be repeated.

Electoral campaign financing

Electoral campaign financing is regulated by the Political Activity, Election Campaign and Referenda Financing Act.

Previous elections for the President of the Republic of Croatia