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Elections of members to the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia

Members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia are elected by direct universal, free and equal voting right and secret ballot for a five-year term.
The elections are held in the course of the last year of the five-year term of the European Parliament in the electoral term set out by the Council of the European Union. The President of the Republic of Croatia delivers the decision on calling the election for members of the European Parliament.

Voters and polling stations

Croatian citizen who have reached the age of eighteen years as well as nationals of other Member States of the European Union, who have permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Croatia according to a special actand provided they submit a request for entry on the electoral roll to the authority competent for maintaining the electoral roll at the latest 30 days before the election, are entitled to vote in this election.

Elections shall be conducted at polling stations in the teritory of the Republic of Croatia and at diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Croatia abroad.Voters having permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia on the date of the election, voters who are in peace missions and operations on the date of the election, voters who are crew-members on sea and river vessels carrying the Croatian flag outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia, on watercrafts in inland sea waters and in the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia, voters housed in social care facilities and voters deprived of their freedom, vote at special polling stations determined in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament from the Republic of Croatia to the European Parliament.


Right to be elected member of the European Parliament  have all Croatian citizen who have reached the age of eighteen years as well as nationals of other Member States of the European Union, who have permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Croatiaaccording to a special act ,  if they are eligible to stand as a candidate pursuant to the Act on the Elections of Members of Parliament from the Republic of Croatia to the European Parliament and provided that in the Republic of Croatia and Member State of the European Union they are citizen of, they were not deprived of their right to stand as a candidate by an individual court judgement or administrative decision against which legal remedy can be filed, as well as  that they are enrolled into the voters' registry of the Republic of Croatia.
Political parties solely, two or more political parties as well as voters are entitled to propose a list for the election of members to the European Parliament. Voters propose lists of candidates based on at least 5000 duly collected voter signatures. Proposal of the list of candidates must be received by the State Electoral Commission at least within 14 days of the day of calling the elections.

Any national of other Member State of the European Union who exercised his right to vote and to stand as a candidate in the election for members of the European Parliament in the Republic of Croatia is precluded from exercising that right at the same elections in the Member State of residence or in any other Member State of the European Union.
Any national of the Republic of Croatia who exercised the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in an election for members of the European Parliament in another Member State of the European Union is precluded from exercising that right at the same elections in the Republic of Croatia or any other Member State of the European Union.
Electoral bodies

Bodies conducting election are State Electoral Commission, county electoral commissions and City Electoral Commission of the City of Zagreb, municipal and city electoral commissions as well as electoral committees.
Election campaign

Election campaign begins on the day of publication of duly proposed lists, and ends 24 hours before the day the election is held. On the day the election is held until the closing of the polling stations at 19:00, any election campaign is prohibited, and so is the publication of assessment of electoral results, as well as the publication of previous, unofficial results of the election, publication of photographs in the media, and statements and interviews of lead candidates of lists or candidates as well as citing their statements or written works.

Voting and results

Members of the European parliament are elected based on proportional representation and preference voting. The territory of the Republic of Croatia, including polling stations outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia, represents one electoral unit.
Voters may vote for only one candidate list on the ballot and voter also may mark one candidate that has the advantage over the other candidates on the list for which he voted. (preferential vote)
The right to take part in the distribution for the European Parliament member may be exercised by the lists which obtain at least 5% of the votes cast at the election. Preference votes for certain candidates count if the number of preference votes of a particular candidate is at least 10% of the votes obtained by the list concerned. Elected candidates are candidates from each list of candidates who obtained the largest number of preference votes. Where two or more candidates obtain the same number of preference votes, the deciding factor is the ranking on the list of candidates.
The Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission appraises the conduct of participants in the election during the election campaign and the election process itself and carries out non-administrative  supervision of the election campaign.

Electoral campaign financing

Electoral campaign financing is regulated by the Political Activity, Election Campaign and Referenda Financing Act.

Previous elections of members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia